I have been in the 'Paranormal' world in one way or another since I was a child, having been raised in a strict form of Family Witchcraft and raised to hone Psychic abilities and then later taking on a job as a psychic.    I joined a ghost team in Oregon as their lead psychic and had some wonderful experiences and then later in Pahrump I joined another team but I found that while I was having fun and meeting new and interesting people, we weren't discovering any new evidence to whether or not any of what we were doing was real.

I Joined Las Vegas Ghost Connections in 2011 and went on a home cleansing and crossing and found that it was a very psychologically inspiring situation meaning it relied completely on the feelings of the people involved and we fed off each other's feelings and input of what was happening but no evidence was discovered and I began to realize that most Ghost Hunter teams do NOT use Real science to do their investigations and they do not use reliable equipment and I wanted to do things differently.

When LVGC Broke up I tried to join a new local team but was turned down because of my rational stance and my religion.   I wondered: what does one's religion have to do with Ghost Hunting unless the team is already biased to certain beliefs and outcomes which further convinced me that Ghost Hunters rely mostly on faith, personal beliefs, personal speculation and less on valid scientific, forensics and reliable intel and that was what led me to where I am now, Looking to form a team that will go into each situation and look at the PRESENT and NOT the history of a location, where religious faith and speculation and other pseudo ideas associated with The usual teams would not be present.

I still work as a Psychic and I will reveal what I feel when we head into a situation but I understand that my feelings are not evidence and that my findings would have to be substantiated by several outside sources to be validated.      :)

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